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Syriac Corpus
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Syriac Corpus - Tagset.pdf
Syriac Corpus - Rules 2022 Atas.pdf
Syriac Corpus - Paper 2018 - Kindt - Haelewyck - Schmidt - Atas.pdf
Syriac Corpus - Corpus description.pdf
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Text Selection
Anonymous - Martyrdom of Mār Grigor
Anonymous - Martyrdom of Mār Yazd-panāh
Anonymous - Story of Mār Abba
Anonymous - Syriac Sayings of Greek Philosophers
Ephrem the Syrian
Jacob of Serugh
Leontios of Neapolis
Timothy I, Nestorian Patriarch
Carmina Nisibena - Ephrem the Syrian
Carmina Sogiâta - Ephrem the Syrian
Epistola ad Montanos - Ephrem the Syrian
Excerptum e Codice Sin. 67 - Ephrem the Syrian
Homily on the Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection of Our Lord - Jacob of Serugh
Hymni contra Haereses - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni contra Julianum - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Azymis - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Confessoribus - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Crucifixione - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Ecclesia (post Hym. de Par.) - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Ecclesia - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Epiphania - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Fide - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Jeiunio - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Nativitate - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Paradiso - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Resurrectione - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymni de Virginitate - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymnus de Abraham Qidūnâyâ - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymnus de Filiis Samonae - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymnus de Mortuis - Ephrem the Syrian
Hymnus de Yulyânâ Sâbâ - Ephrem the Syrian
Letters 30-39 - Timothy, I Nestorian Patriarch
Life of John the Merciful - Long Version - Leontios of Neapolis
Martyrdom of Mār Grigor - Anonymous
Martyrdom of Mār Yazd-panāh - Anonymous
Sermo a Mar Aba - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Admonitione - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Adventu Christi - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Anachoretis - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Domino Nostro - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Fide - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Fine (01) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Fine (02) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Magis - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Ninive et Jona - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Palmis - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Peccatore - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Peccatrice - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Poenitentia (01) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Poenitentia (02) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (01) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (02) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (03) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (04) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (07) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (08) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (09) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (10) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Reprehensione (11) - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Solitariis - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Timore Dei - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermo de Vanitate - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermones de Genetrice Dei - Ephrem the Syrian
Sermones in Hebdomadam Sanctam - Ephrem the Syrian
Story of Mār Abba - Anonymous
Syriac Sayings of Greek Philosophers - Anonymous
Testamentum Ephraemi - Ephrem the Syrian
4th cent. AD
6th cent. AD
6th-9th cent. AD
7th-8th cent. AD
8th-9th cent. AD
Type of transmission
Translated from another language